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Kamo no Kuro-kosho Yaki
(Grilled Wild Duck with Black Pepper)

| Recipe |

This is a really simple dish. Because of its simplicity, the quality of the duck is immediately obvious, so it is important to check this carefully. Once, when I was in a restaurant in Kanazawa, I heard that there are two ways of catching a wild duck. One is by using a net, and the other is by shooting it. They say that using a net is better, and you can see why. When a duck is shot, the shot from the bullet enters the flesh and causes bleeding, spoiling the meat somewhat. There is an obvious difference in price, too.

For this recipe it is best if you cut the meat reasonably thickly, skewer it and cook it over as high a heat as possible, turning it over only once. The only seasonings are salt and black pepper. For this recipe I used a domestically raised "wild" duck, and it tasted quite good. Do not overcook the meat by turning it over and over. This is incredibly good when eaten hot from the grill.

The Million Koku of Kaga and Rosanjin

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